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问题 imachining for NX破解不了

iMachining_ for_ NX__10.0 - InstallShield Wizard Microsoft Visual C+ + 2005 Redistributable Command line option syntax error. Type Command /? for Help.

问题 UG NX1988打开文件提示初始化错误Initialiaztion-Error code 1020059

Line 212 of o:\ugnx120\ip27

问题 custom_dirs.dat是什么文件?有什么用?

...arts up, it will check each entry, if#  the directory does not exist, the line will be discarded as if it was a #  comment.  Comments are allowed, and must start with a # in column one.  ##  Directories must be listed one per line, with nothing else on the line.  The #  directory may inclu...

问题 因为硬盘快满了我想移动下面这个文件夹到其他盘,但是中途取消了,然后就打不开了,提示文件缺失,这怎么解决?拜托了!

file nx_line_designer.dpx could not be found